VILLAGE OF EXETER MINUTES AUGUST 6, 2024 The regular meeting of the Exeter Village Board was convened in open and public session on Tuesday August 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Exeter Village Office. …


VILLAGE OF EXETER MINUTES AUGUST 6, 2024 The regular meeting of the Exeter Village Board was convened in open and public session on Tuesday August 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Exeter Village Office. Notice of the meeting was given by posting 10 days prior at the Exeter Village Office, Post Office, and Generations Bank. Vice Chairperson Harre called the meeting to order. Board members present upon roll call were: Justin Harre, Jim Anderson, Bob Mueller and Kim Gloystein. Alan Michl was absent. Clerk Becky Erdkamp recorded the minutes. Vice Chairperson Harre noted that a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is available in the Village Office for public inspection and review. Visitors present included: Dan Aude. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved without correction. An accounts payable listing was presented for approval. Anderson moved and Gloystein seconded the motion to approve invoices as presented. All present voted aye. Approved invoices as follows: Ameritas Life Insurance Corp $1,404.00; Angle, Murphy & Campbell 276.00; Aqua-Chem, Inc. 1,994.55; Beaver Hardware 179.40; Black Hills Energy 248.79; Capital One 2,470.92; Chemical Week Control 1,100.00; Collaborative Summer Library 111.32; Dan’s Construction Inc 85,151.00; Dutton-Lainson Company 115.00; EFTPS 7,413.28; EFTPS .04; Ekeler Repair 38.85; Electric Pump 63,700.00; Erdkamp Motors 76.57; Erdkamp, Rebecca 100.00; Exeter Lumber, LLC 86.95; Farmers Cooperative 120.92; Generations Bank 25,788.25; Generations Bank 200.00; Generations Bank 15.00; Glenwood 49.92; Hometown Leasing 125.49; Kopchos Sanitation Inc 253.50; La Quinta Inns & Suites 359.85; League Of NE Municipalities 1,962.00; Leesa Bartu Designs 240.00; Mueller, John 156.01; Municipal Pipe Services 650.00; Municipal Supply Inc 93.12; NE Dept of Revenue 365.17; NE Dept of Revenue 1,364.07; NE Municipal Clerk’s Assn 50.00; NE Public Health Env Lab 231.00; NE Rural Water Association 250.00; NE Statewide EMS Conference 825.00; Nebraska UC Fund 27.20; Perennial Public Power 4,600.41; Salaries 33,649.50; Sargent Drilling 150.00; Seward County Independent 29.09; Utilities Section League of NE 433.00; Windstream 425.67; Total Invoices $236,880.84 Dan Aude, Building Inspector from the City of York appeared before the board to discuss nuisance properties. He would follow village ordinances and the International Builders Code of 2018 that the State of Nebraska also uses. He will inspect, photograph and prepare documentation of the structures the village chooses for the price of $500.00 per property. Owners will have 5 days to request a hearing before the village board and 30 days to clean up. If no action is taken a contractor will be notified to clean up the nuisance at the owner’s expense. If the clean up is not paid for then a lien is placed on the property. Harre moved to hire Dan Aude to inspect and report back to the village on the properties of Lots 317 & 318, Lots 118 & 119, and the south ½ of Lot 546 all in the Original Town, Exeter, Nebraska and Anderson seconded the motion. All present voted aye. The board reviewed the One and Six Year Road Plan that was prepared by JEO Consulting Group. The one year plan is for general maintenance and possible paving of West South Depot Street between Exeter Avenue and South Missouri Avenue. The six year plan is a wish list of future paving and replacement. Discussion was held regarding the hiring of Alfred Buman to be the cemetery sexton. An additional application has been received and may also be hired if needed. Mueller moved and Harre seconded the motion to hire Alfred Buman at a rate of $20.00 per hour to be the cemetery sexton. All present voted aye. The Village of Exeter will pay the wages instead of splitting the cost of the wage with the Exeter Cemetery Association as in the past. Discussion was held on issuing retention incentives to the pool staff. Gloystein moved and Anderson seconded the motion to approve a $100.00 retention incentive to Anna Sluka, Troy Kallhoff, Draven Payne, Andrew Vavra, Jozie Kanode, Kierra Papik, Lily Jeffries, Jonah Geiger and Addison Petzoldt. All present voted aye. John Mueller presented the Maintenance Report. The water tower project should begin around September 16th. He will hook up the generator on the west well. Residents will be asked to conserve/limit use of water during the project. The project will hopefully be completed within one month. The pool will close for the season on August 11th. He is looking for a 100 gallon fuel tank for premium fuel. Becky Erdkamp presented the Clerk’s Report. Sales tax receipts for May were $22,155.21. Keno receipts for June were $184.02. The next meeting will be held on September 11th at 7:00 pm. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm. Becky S. Erdkamp Village Clerk FS — September 04, 2024 ZNEZ