BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING SALINE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 76-0068 501 MAIN STREET FRIEND, NE 68359-0067 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024 7:35 PM Tyler Bartels: Present Tiffany Shonerd: Present Scott …


BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR MEETING SALINE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 76-0068 501 MAIN STREET FRIEND, NE 68359-0067 TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024 7:35 PM Tyler Bartels: Present Tiffany Shonerd: Present Scott Spohn: Present Jamie Tuttle: Present Nancy Vossler: Present Megan Weber: Present 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Notice of Open Meeting Act - Posted 3. Motion to excuse absent board members 4. Pledge of Allegiance 5. Approval of the agenda Motion to approve agenda as presented, Passed with a motion by Scott Spohn and a second by Tyler Bartels. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 6. Consent Agenda Approve Consent Agenda as presented, Passed with a motion by Tyler Bartels and a second by Nancy Vossler. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 6.1. Hold for discussion and for possible action approval of the following items: 6.1.1. Minutes of prior meeting(s) 6.1.2. Treasurer's report 6.1.3. Receipts 6.1.4. Expenditures 6.1.5. Claims for payment 7. Public Comment: No public comment. 8. Reports 8.1. Committee: 8.2. Administration 8.2.1. Principal's Report Mrs. Stutzman submitted her principal's report. She is currently attending the National Principal's Conference in Nashville. 8.2.2. Superintendent Mr. Anderson reviewed HVAC status, scoreboard removal, and some window replacement. Red bleachers in the west gym will be replaced in September. 9. Discussion Items Preschool busing was discussed. 10. Action Items 10.1. Approve 2024-25 Meal Prices Move to approve meal prices for the 24-25 school year; student breakfast $2.00, elementary lunch $3.05, secondary lunch $3.30. Passed with a motion by Scott Spohn and a second by Megan Weber. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 10.2. Approve 2024-25 Handbooks Approve 24-25 Handbooks are presented, Passed with a motion by Scott Spohn and a second by Nancy Vossler. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 10.3. Consideration and Possible Action to Review Parental Involvement and Student Fees Policies Approve Parent Involvement Policy and Student Fees Policy as presented, Passed with a motion by Jamie Tuttle and a second by Tiffany Shonerd. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 10.4. Adoption of amended budget Adopt amendment to the 2023-24 Budget, adding disbursements of $40,000 to Employee Benefit Fund. Passed with a motion by Scott Spohn and a second by Jamie Tuttle. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 11. Adjournment Motion to adjourn at 8:03 pm. Next meeting will be Tuesday, August 13, at 7:30 pm. Passed with a motion by Tyler Bartels and a second by Nancy Vossler. Tyler Bartels: Yea, Tiffany Shonerd: Yea, Scott Spohn: Yea, Jamie Tuttle: Yea, Nancy Vossler: Yea, Megan Weber: Yea Yea: 6, Nay: 0 Posted Locations: Friend Sentinel Post Office - Friend Citizens State Bank - Friend First Bank Utica - Friend Qwik6 Convenience Store Posted Date: 07-03-2024 FS — July 24, 2024 ZNEZ