NOTICE The Saline County Board of Equalization will hold a re-hearing and take final action on the Exemption Applications filed by American Legion August Vanek Post #264 seeking tax exemption for …


NOTICE The Saline County Board of Equalization will hold a re-hearing and take final action on the Exemption Applications filed by American Legion August Vanek Post #264 seeking tax exemption for 2024, pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 77-202. The hearing will be held July 23, 2024 at 9:20 a.m. on the second floor of the courthouse, Room 207. The recommendation of the County Assessor are available in the County Assessor’s office at the courthouse: 204 South High, Room 203, Wilber, Nebraska. Brandi Kelly Saline County Assessor CR/FS/WR — July 10, 2024 ZNEZ