NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that a One and Six Year Road and Street Plan for the Village of Exeter, Nebraska as required by NEB. REV. STAT. Sec. 39-2119 et seq. R.R.S. has been …


NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that a One and Six Year Road and Street Plan for the Village of Exeter, Nebraska as required by NEB. REV. STAT. Sec. 39-2119 et seq. R.R.S. has been recommended for approval by the Chairman and Board of Trustees, and that a Public Hearing be held on said One and Six Year Road and Street Plan on the 11th day of September, 2024, beginning at 7:00 P.M., at the Village Office, at which time objection to or recommendations for said Plan will be heard. By Becky S. Erdkamp Village Clerk/Treasurer FS — August 28, 2024 ZNEZ